The Pink Open Market as a part of OTC Markets Group provides platform for trading wide range of equities, which include penny stocks, shell companies, foreign issuers with limited information and companies not willing or able to provide information to investors. Since there is limited information available and limited regulatory oversight Pink market is considered to be of high risk. Depending on level of disclosure companies are divided in three tiers as current information, limited information or no information.
To qualify as a current information company have to make disclosure available, in accordance with one of the following reporting standards: SEC reporting standard, U.S. reporting standard, international or alternative reporting standard. In the first two cases company has to be in compliance with SEC and Bank Regulator reporting requirements. Companies trading on Qualified Foreign Exchange use international reporting standard. Other companies make the information available directly through OTC market platform.
Companies that provide limited information not older than six months have Yield sign on OTC Market Group page. This is the indicator of financial reporting problems, economic distress or bankruptcy.
Third category where companies are not willing or able to provide disclosure information. This means your company will have Stop sign which will probably discourage investors from investing and buying shares. If your company is in this kind of situation Mina Mar Group is here to help you. We have a wide net of non-toxic financiers that will provide your company with needed financial means and help you get current and continue trading without any obstacles. Not only we will help you with your filings and remove Stop sign but will will also provide you with our investor awareness/relations services which will result in more investors being interested in your business. At Mina Mar Group we understand hardships and sacrifices you make daily in your business. Our goal is to see our clients grow in value and succeed on the stock market. Talk to us and together we will find the right solution for you!
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