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Showing posts from March, 2022

Foreign Companies

Lately, we are getting many inquiries about dual listing or to list foreign companies either through IPO or RTO on OTCmarket. What are the benefits for foreign companies to be listed on OTC markets and how they can do that?  Is it an easy procedure, and what are the conditions? What is the main reason for companies that are listed on qualified foreign exchanges to trade on OTC markets? We are here to cater to your questions by providing you with the right answers. The first thing we need to start with is that this market is a global market. Only that fact gives you countless opportunities. To be listed on Wall Street which represents a vital center of global finance, for early-stage growth companies, and having access to US investors can bring a significant competitive advantage. It is appropriate for small businesses due to its regulatory structure, which gives better transparency and accessibility to a bigger pool of less risk-averse and more active investors. This is import...

Company Disclosures

When we speak about disclosures and what they represent in financial terms, that actually refers to providing the public with all relevant information about a company on time.  So relevant information includes facts, figures, dates, procedures, innovation, etc, which means any information regarding a company that can probably impact an investor’s decision. As a result, it is necessary to comprehend that public company directors and officers are in charge of company disclosures and securing investors with complete and valid information. Access to material info enables investors to make information-based investment decisions, which is vital for efficient market pricing and on which state and federal securities are based.  Anytime new stocks are issued to the public, the SEC requisite disclosures of relevant financial and business info to possible investors, with exemptions provided for private placements and small issues. Integrated disclosure structure is the name give...